Sunday, January 14, 2024

Hexplore24: Week Two

"It was fashionable at the time to engage in the market of memories: an exchange where one's thoughts could be extracted and sold to others. The essence can be condensed into a tincture and then inhaled which imparts a vivid hallucination of the thoughts. Originally developed by the academy to compartmentalize and then transfer complex formulae, the potential for the service as a means to generate income was realized quite quickly by entrepreneurs and expanded as a popular extravagance for the nobility. Any warnings about the fugue state induced by repeated use of the tinctures were swiftly ignored. It is claimed that repository of vials containing the colleges forbidden spells lies gathering dust in the storerooms of the palace; held forever as both ransom and assurance for their compliance."

    It wasn't as easy to convince everyone to make another trek into the wilds so soon after our last venture. We scarcely had three moons rest before we were packing supplies onto the horses we bought and passing through the town's gates. A few near death experiences will sour any souls' wander lust, if only temporarily. The merchant prince paid well for news of our discoveries; most notably the overrun citadel near the Iron Temple and the lair of a dragon nearly within bowshot of the town. They agreed to sponsor further voyages including a reconnaissance of the northern shores, a visit to the Temple of Bast to render aid, and a more thorough study of the Isle of Glittering Stone and its resident draconic guardian. While we recuperated and gathered supplies, Another group made a short journey south to determine if any sites of interest lie between the ocean and the mountains. They reported little of value besides the presence of wereboars in the cliffs behind town. Given their eagerness to make their own coin, we agree to work together to aid the Temple of Bast in a few days time. Meanwhile, we set off north and scout another castle in the hills garrisoned by a small army and what appears to be hill giants by their size. The marsh lands spread out after the hills blocking further egress.

    The prince seems eager to establish a more sturdy foothold; I can't blame them given how little we know about our surroundings. Making an alliance with the local inhabitants seems a strong policy although I suspect the priests of Bast may be hesitant to cede some degree of ownership over the citadel in exchange for eradicating whatever evils lurk within. Regardless, they next few days will likely be trying as we plan to cut through the swamps and come around to the temple from its eastern side. No one among us envies a trudge through a mire and we all pray the ground is dry on the other side.

Hexes Explored: 20

Features Found: 
  • 0623: Lair of the Cat Demons. A ruined keep with surrounding towers overrun with ghouls and two Rakshasha. Intriguing as it resides within the same hex as the Iron Temple of Bast who is the God of Felines
  • 0522: A crossroad. Situated in a natural path between the topology, the road will likely prove useful in the future.
  • 0322: The Island of Glittering Stone. An island in the middle of a river rich in rare metals and containing the lair of a black dragon.
  • 0319: Castle Huntingdon. An occupied keep with a small militia and led by a 9th level thief. Two hill giants serve as retainers.
Notable Encounters:
  • Three Lions got the jump as the party traversed the mountains. Quick thinking and a lucky strike from Dan and Douse likely saved their lives.
Current Party:
  • Adran, Lawful Human Ranger 2

  • Dan of Caladan, Neutral Halfling Thief 3

  • Douse, Lawful Human Monk 3

  • Athos, Lawful Elven Magic-User 2

  • Aran, Lawful Human Cleric of Tiamat 3

  • Mer-Sit the IV, Chaotic Human Fighter 2

Adjust Party:
  • Mer-Me of Ironbound Castle, Lawful Elven Thief 3
  • Zer Esten, Neutral Human Magic-User 1
  • Quasin the Uncanny, Neutral Human Cleric of Oghma 3
  • Elsun the Heavy, Neutral Dwarven Fighter 2
  • Tenspor of the Arid Wastes, Neutral Elven Cleric of Waukeen 2
  • Berdpal Eth, Lawful Dwarven Fighter 3

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Hexplore 24: Week Five

  "A great feat of metallurgy was necessary to temper what moon-metal could be scavenged; and for that the underfolk served amicably. ...