Sunday, January 7, 2024

Hexplore24: Week One


"It is said that not even setting sun dimmed the amber glow of the city streets. Moth lanterns were changed each day at sundown; fed from a lunarium and a special breeding stock prized for the exceptional brightness. There was a certain poetry in the changing of the lights. Countless little lives burned through each night to prolong the radiance. Few considered this as they engaged in extravagant balls, opulent night markets, and the other luxuries of high society. The symbolism was, in retrospect, obvious."
    The temple bell calls the acolytes to their evening prayers as we settle into the comfortable quarters the servants of Sune provided. Despite Aran's grumbling, we've decided to take a much needed rest after a week of hard hiking in the wilds. As fortune would have it, the hills gave way to a large shrine manned by quite friendly priests, or friendly enough after an exchange of coin. Without belaboring the fine details of the journey, we've discovered rough terrain generally directly south of Port Ensal that may serve as a natural barrier for larger expeditions. Second, there is a large concentration of consecrated sites; a temple to the The Dancing Lady, a remote mountain stream sacred to the Anura, a ruined shrine to Shaundakul and now this temple to Sune. Finally, large bands of monsters are not uncommon: we met a band of giant spiders, a flock of cockatrices, and a troupe of hobgoblins. The archpriest was relieved when we showed proof of slaying three of the cockatrices. It may have proved the turning point in our negotiation. The folks we've met don't seem overtly hostile but are certainly hesitant to trust outsiders which seems a prudent policy. They also have little to provide about the Golden City besides general caution and a sense of anxiety when we probe deeper. Not wishing to overplay our welcome, we drop the issue. 
    We wonder at the proximity of so many shrines, perhaps the ancestors of these people were more zealous than their cousins in distant lands and that culture has survived to this age. What is clear is that while they have had contact with the wider world, most of the population seems to descend from the ancient lines of the Golden City. We know their Gods by seemingly different names, a curious observation we will have to ponder. Our stores of rations are good for about a ten-day but we quickly tire of our slow pace. Athos in particular complains at our lack of forethought in preparing horses for the journey. It seems returning to Port Ensal would be wise but I hope to convince the others to take a wider arch through the mountains to our east and spend a few more days covering new ground. If all goes well, we may enjoy the tavern's strong mead in a few days.
Hexes Explored: 18
Features Found:
  • 0623: The Iron Temple of Bast
  • 0427: The Isle of the Asura and the headwaters of a river
  • 0328: The Ruined Shrine of Shaundakul
  • 0627: The Sanctuary of Passion
Notable Encounters:
  • Three Cockatrices, nearly ended in disaster as they closed the distance quickly. A few timely arrows and insane luck with Dan's backstab prevented anyone from falling to their talons.
Current Party:
  • Adran, Lawful Human Ranger 1
  • Dan of Caladan, Neutral Halfling Thief 1
  • Douse, Lawful Human Monk 3
  • Athos, Lawful Elven Magic-User 1
  • Aran, Lawful Human Cleric of Tiamat 1
  • Mer-Sit the IV, Chaotic Human Fighter 1

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Hexplore 24: Week Five

  "A great feat of metallurgy was necessary to temper what moon-metal could be scavenged; and for that the underfolk served amicably. ...