Monday, February 5, 2024

Hexplore 24: Week Five

"A great feat of metallurgy was necessary to temper what moon-metal could be scavenged; and for that the underfolk served amicably. Despite having only recently journeyed in any great number above ground, they took to the task of manufacturing implements of the material as if the gods have given them the gift and not the lords of the city. In defiance of their best efforts however, frustratingly little of the pearly metal was ever found. Thus in total the few ingots worth the city had was stretched to maximum utility and a program for carefully recycling it once it had completed its purpose was instituted. Misuse of the god's metal constituted the death penalty. Still, where once a regiment could be outfitted with blades silvered with the alloy, the ravages of time had reduced its quality such that only a needle's worth of pure metal remained by the epoch's end. Rumors abound that ancient stockpiles of arms and armor laid ready for the cataclysm never materialized. But, even a needle's worth may have been enough to thwart the city's imminent devastation had they not been failed in so many other ways..." 

    With heavy packs and heavier hearts we leave behind the hamlet of Carmsby; the simple folks' cries of thanks echoing along the hills. The days of fighting goblins and their beasts have exhausted much of our arms and armor and we must make haste back to Port Ensal. We made the decision to at least see if a pass across the lake existed as Athos had once suggested and to our amazement a narrow land crossing was possible. From our vantage, the mountainous terrain beautifully bisects two large crystal clear lakes; truly an impressive visage. We shoulder our burdens and trudge onwards; we can at least report such a passage to the prince which will undoubtedly intrigue their interest.

    I write quickly: the snores of the beast shake the trees as we shelter in place daring not to make even a fire. We should have noticed the gorges for what they were: worm tracks of the dreaded purple worm. Nearly falling upon the creature as we made our way back to Castle Huntingdon and Lord Tithot, we would almost certainly have perished if not for Elsun's quick hand and thinking. We have much to warn the greater powers of; the presence of a purple worm is only secondary to the threat of yet another dragon making its lair so close to town. Our visit to Lord Tithot now seems all the more prudent having negotiated his aid in dealing with the local hostile elements. We now wait until the relative safety of morning light; I am certain not one of us will sleep well by tonight's moon.

New Hexes Explored: 9

Features Found:
  • 0415: The Colossal Harness: The moldering remains of an enormous harness for some sort of amphibious creature. Now covered only by dust and grime. Did a creature of such a size really exist?

Notable Encounters:
  • The Scouring of the Goblin Warren: Following up on the rescuing of Carmsby, Adran and company delved into the Goblin's warren to rout out the remaining creatures so that they would never again threaten the town. A chance encounter with lizardfolk prisoners provided a decisive advantage and before long the creatures and their king were slain. The town rejoices as we emerge proclaiming vengeance for Athos.
  • The Giant Spider's Request: A chance encounter with a group of intelligent giant spiders ousted from their lair in 0616 revealed the activity of a green dragon now residing there. They have asked us for aid which we declined presently but were encouraged to seek out others of strong arm and will to aid them. They promised a portion of their treasure if the dragon could be killed or driven off.
  • The Slumbering Worm: On their return to Castle Huntingdon, Mer-Me encounters the lair of a purple worm who was thankfully sleeping. Such a beast had torn open the landscape making great gorges in the earth; it will certainly present an obstacle for any foolish adventurers to traverse the path north of Port Ensal.

Current Party:
  • Adran, Lawful Human Ranger 2
  • Dan of Caladan, Neutral Halfling Thief 3
  • Douse, Lawful Human Monk 4
  • Aran, Lawful Human Cleric of Tiamat 3
  • Mer-Sit the IV, Chaotic Human Fighter 2
Adjunct Party:
  • Mer-Me of Ironbound Castle, Lawful Elven Thief 4
  • Zer Esten, Neutral Human Magic-User 3
  • Quasin the Uncanny, Neutral Human Cleric of Oghma 4
  • Elsun the Heavy, Neutral Dwarven Fighter 3
  • Tenspor of the Arid Wastes, Neutral Elven Cleric of Waukeen 3
  • Berdpal Eth, Lawful Dwarven Fighter 3

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Hexplore 24: Week Four

"Most people had no idea time didn't always flow the same way in the city. Of course one would feel the changes in current; a certain ethereal quality that you couldn't describe or a vague sea-sickness like brought on and departing acutely. The effects were typically minor and, to the academics best modeling, completely random resulting in minimal perturbation to the cities temporal relationship with its surroundings. First-time visitors would often report the city's great tower clocks never being quite on time and would be understandably met with sighs from the tower wardens. Of course, being on time had no real meaning in such a place. Or at least it didn't..."

Athos is dead. He died with a sleep spell still on his lips, a look of shock as the goblins black arrow found him behind Mer-Sit and Aran. It was an impossible shot but the gods can be cruel sometimes. The liberation of the town of Carmsby was luckily met without further tragedy, and we were met as heroes for breaking the yoke of the goblin raiders. But our task isn't done yet: the goblin's warren is still filled with the creatures and to ensure the villager's safety we will have to brave those depths. A thought we don't relish. Douse and Aran have sworn vengeance on the goblins and given the rest of us are unwilling to leave them behind, we make the decision to go together. Fortunately my companions are not foolhardy as we will engage the creatures on our terms. Carmsby is rich in oil flasks, a boon we intend to make great use of.

We found Port Ensal in chaos when we returned: the band of wereboars we found previously had invaded, taken over the Shrine of the Charter, and taken hostages of the clerics within. They demanded safe passage and a ship, something the merchant prince was loath to give them. And so we were quickly inducted into service, asked to render our services to save the clerics and kill the raiders. By an incredible string of luck, we had just acquired a bundle of silver arrows and daggers. We executed an ambush by using our scroll of magic mouth to distract the creatures while we kicked down the backdoor. A brutal fight took place as we evacuated the clerics before leading the boars outside to be assaulted by a fireball from the witch Morrigan. Unfortunately, it had little effect on the beasts and we had to use the last of our silver arrows putting them down. The prince rewarded us well, showering us in gold and cast off gear from the town's armory; a token to repay us for our expended arrows. We almost made it out without further consequence when Berdpal collapsed; one of the boar's tusks had driven into his shoulder and he developed a rapid fever. Fearing he was turning, the town had him locked away in a cell for the evening; truly an unjust treatment for their saviors.

Nonetheless, we consulted with the Sage Jaketta to learn of a cure for lycanthropy which sent us south to the Isle of the Anura to collect a rare magical herb. Along the way we encountered an under-construction castle and its beleaguered lord who begged us for assistance dealing with the band of hobgoblins squatting in the ruined Shrine of Shaundakul. We agreed to carry his plea to the prince in exchange for his retainer alchemist's aid in preparing a drought to restore Berdpal. One vial of holy water and other alchemical reagents later, Berdpal was cured but now entirely hairless; a fact by which he has sworn to kill the alchemist next time they meet!

New Hexes Explored: 12

Features Found:
  • 1012: Carmsby. A small hamlet occupied by goblin raiders with a church dedicated to Titania, queen of the fey. A den of goblins lies in the surrounding hills.  
  • 0421: Runnimage. A town of approximately 200 people led by a council and protected by a fourth level champion. The community has a master canoe and sailboat maker.
  • 0523: Abandoned Hamlet. A ghost town populated only by a dozen ghouls in the plains near the Iron Temple.
  • 0526: Castle Kidwelly. An under construction castle garrisoned by 30 shaky mercenaries and owned by a 6th level lawful illusionist. They keep an alchemist as a retainer (until Berdpal gets to them).

Notable Encounters:
  • The Battle of Port Ensal. Conflict with six wereboars resulted in victory for the party of Mer-Me. The town owes them greatly for services rendered.
  • The Battle of Carmsby. Originally a scouting and rescue operation, the fighting quickly intensified as the raiding goblins rallied. After the dust settled, forty goblins and many wolves were slain at the cost of the magic-user Athos' life. They are buried beneath the town's apple tree.

Current Party:
  • Adran, Lawful Human Ranger 2
  • Dan of Caladan, Neutral Halfling Thief 3
  • Douse, Lawful Human Monk 4
  • Aran, Lawful Human Cleric of Tiamat 3
  • Mer-Sit the IV, Chaotic Human Fighter 2
Adjunct Party:
  • Mer-Me of Ironbound Castle, Lawful Elven Thief 4
  • Zer Esten, Neutral Human Magic-User 3
  • Quasin the Uncanny, Neutral Human Cleric of Oghma 4
  • Elsun the Heavy, Neutral Dwarven Fighter 3
  • Tenspor of the Arid Wastes, Neutral Elven Cleric of Waukeen 3
  • Berdpal Eth, Lawful Dwarven Fighter 3

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Hexplore 24: Week Three

"As rumor had it, the sarcophagi of the saints were empty. It is now impossible to know who planted the idea within the mind of the public, but what is certain is the resulting fervor played a crucial role in the downfall of the old gods. The Night of Black Fire would see the temples burn with the ultimate irony being that the flame's color proved without a doubt of the authenticity of the bodies' divinity. Many point to the Night of Black Fire as the beginning of the end for the empire, but in truth the populace's broken covenant with their saints may have doomed them irrespective of such sacrilege."

    The father gives thanks to Bast as we drag ourselves back into the temple. Two days of adventure within the citadel proved the threat of Ghouls to unfortunately not be an exaggeration. Thankfully, the citadel is not empty of treasures and thus the band feels the venture wasn't wasted. We haven't lost anyone despite the tomb's best attempts although ambushes, a goblin warband, and devious traps made more than a few close calls. For now, we've explored two of the towers and found two previously unknown (and likely unlooted) sublevels, made a temporary alliance with a goblin tribe, and have greatly thinned the ghoul's numbers. We've apparently pleased Bast as that evening's dinner was much closer to a feast. After consulting the party, we've decided to divide and conquer our tasks. Mer-Me will return to Port Ensal to collect more weapons and consumables as the temple doesn't have much in the way of war supplies while we will continue our survey of the lands north of Port Ensal. We will reconvene in approximately a ten day to continue our delve.

    Our experience within the citadel and the temple have suggested something sinister may be happening. Some of the priests seem hesitant to assist us in any way and combined with the constant whispers behind our back there may be some element of their contingent less than excited for us to continue our exploration. If the corrupted acolyte we captured from the citadel is any indication, a break from the place may be wise. We can't know for sure, but we were ambushed by a group of skeletons on our second visit which seemed to know we were coming. An ulterior motive for sending Mer-Me back to Port Ensal is to alert the merchant prince of both our success, and our suspicions. The ever watchful eyes of Bast seem to follow us as we depart the Iron Temple; the morning light reflecting off them gives them the look of a stalking predator. An ill omen combined with the developing storms.

Hexes Explored: 22

Features Found:
  • The Brass Temple of Shu. An aged temple to Shu, God of the Wind
  • The Church of the Obol. An aged pyramid temple dedicated to Nephthys, protector of the dead and guardian of commerce
  • Castle Raglan. A crumbling keep once built for a powerful sorcerer and their retainers but now occupied by giant rats.
  • The Sanctuary of the Seekers. A hidden sanctuary devoted to Seker, God of Light and sanctifier of the dead. Built of Onyx and led by a powerful priest.

Notable Encounters:
  • The Citadel of Bast: Spent two days exploring and cleaning the citadel of undead. Found significant treasure, a corrupted acolyte, and a goblin tribe squatting in the main keep.

Current Party:
  • Adran, Lawful Human Ranger 2
  • Dan of Caladan, Neutral Halfling Thief 3
  • Douse, Lawful Human Monk 3
  • Athos, Lawful Elven Magic-User 2
  • Aran, Lawful Human Cleric of Tiamat 3
  • Mer-Sit the IV, Chaotic Human Fighter 2
Adjust Party:
  • Mer-Me of Ironbound Castle, Lawful Elven Thief 3
  • Zer Esten, Neutral Human Magic-User 2
  • Quasin the Uncanny, Neutral Human Cleric of Oghma 3
  • Elsun the Heavy, Neutral Dwarven Fighter 3
  • Tenspor of the Arid Wastes, Neutral Elven Cleric of Waukeen 2
  • Berdpal Eth, Lawful Dwarven Fighter 3

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Hexplore24: Week Two

"It was fashionable at the time to engage in the market of memories: an exchange where one's thoughts could be extracted and sold to others. The essence can be condensed into a tincture and then inhaled which imparts a vivid hallucination of the thoughts. Originally developed by the academy to compartmentalize and then transfer complex formulae, the potential for the service as a means to generate income was realized quite quickly by entrepreneurs and expanded as a popular extravagance for the nobility. Any warnings about the fugue state induced by repeated use of the tinctures were swiftly ignored. It is claimed that repository of vials containing the colleges forbidden spells lies gathering dust in the storerooms of the palace; held forever as both ransom and assurance for their compliance."

    It wasn't as easy to convince everyone to make another trek into the wilds so soon after our last venture. We scarcely had three moons rest before we were packing supplies onto the horses we bought and passing through the town's gates. A few near death experiences will sour any souls' wander lust, if only temporarily. The merchant prince paid well for news of our discoveries; most notably the overrun citadel near the Iron Temple and the lair of a dragon nearly within bowshot of the town. They agreed to sponsor further voyages including a reconnaissance of the northern shores, a visit to the Temple of Bast to render aid, and a more thorough study of the Isle of Glittering Stone and its resident draconic guardian. While we recuperated and gathered supplies, Another group made a short journey south to determine if any sites of interest lie between the ocean and the mountains. They reported little of value besides the presence of wereboars in the cliffs behind town. Given their eagerness to make their own coin, we agree to work together to aid the Temple of Bast in a few days time. Meanwhile, we set off north and scout another castle in the hills garrisoned by a small army and what appears to be hill giants by their size. The marsh lands spread out after the hills blocking further egress.

    The prince seems eager to establish a more sturdy foothold; I can't blame them given how little we know about our surroundings. Making an alliance with the local inhabitants seems a strong policy although I suspect the priests of Bast may be hesitant to cede some degree of ownership over the citadel in exchange for eradicating whatever evils lurk within. Regardless, they next few days will likely be trying as we plan to cut through the swamps and come around to the temple from its eastern side. No one among us envies a trudge through a mire and we all pray the ground is dry on the other side.

Hexes Explored: 20

Features Found: 
  • 0623: Lair of the Cat Demons. A ruined keep with surrounding towers overrun with ghouls and two Rakshasha. Intriguing as it resides within the same hex as the Iron Temple of Bast who is the God of Felines
  • 0522: A crossroad. Situated in a natural path between the topology, the road will likely prove useful in the future.
  • 0322: The Island of Glittering Stone. An island in the middle of a river rich in rare metals and containing the lair of a black dragon.
  • 0319: Castle Huntingdon. An occupied keep with a small militia and led by a 9th level thief. Two hill giants serve as retainers.
Notable Encounters:
  • Three Lions got the jump as the party traversed the mountains. Quick thinking and a lucky strike from Dan and Douse likely saved their lives.
Current Party:
  • Adran, Lawful Human Ranger 2

  • Dan of Caladan, Neutral Halfling Thief 3

  • Douse, Lawful Human Monk 3

  • Athos, Lawful Elven Magic-User 2

  • Aran, Lawful Human Cleric of Tiamat 3

  • Mer-Sit the IV, Chaotic Human Fighter 2

Adjust Party:
  • Mer-Me of Ironbound Castle, Lawful Elven Thief 3
  • Zer Esten, Neutral Human Magic-User 1
  • Quasin the Uncanny, Neutral Human Cleric of Oghma 3
  • Elsun the Heavy, Neutral Dwarven Fighter 2
  • Tenspor of the Arid Wastes, Neutral Elven Cleric of Waukeen 2
  • Berdpal Eth, Lawful Dwarven Fighter 3

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Hexplore24: Week One


"It is said that not even setting sun dimmed the amber glow of the city streets. Moth lanterns were changed each day at sundown; fed from a lunarium and a special breeding stock prized for the exceptional brightness. There was a certain poetry in the changing of the lights. Countless little lives burned through each night to prolong the radiance. Few considered this as they engaged in extravagant balls, opulent night markets, and the other luxuries of high society. The symbolism was, in retrospect, obvious."
    The temple bell calls the acolytes to their evening prayers as we settle into the comfortable quarters the servants of Sune provided. Despite Aran's grumbling, we've decided to take a much needed rest after a week of hard hiking in the wilds. As fortune would have it, the hills gave way to a large shrine manned by quite friendly priests, or friendly enough after an exchange of coin. Without belaboring the fine details of the journey, we've discovered rough terrain generally directly south of Port Ensal that may serve as a natural barrier for larger expeditions. Second, there is a large concentration of consecrated sites; a temple to the The Dancing Lady, a remote mountain stream sacred to the Anura, a ruined shrine to Shaundakul and now this temple to Sune. Finally, large bands of monsters are not uncommon: we met a band of giant spiders, a flock of cockatrices, and a troupe of hobgoblins. The archpriest was relieved when we showed proof of slaying three of the cockatrices. It may have proved the turning point in our negotiation. The folks we've met don't seem overtly hostile but are certainly hesitant to trust outsiders which seems a prudent policy. They also have little to provide about the Golden City besides general caution and a sense of anxiety when we probe deeper. Not wishing to overplay our welcome, we drop the issue. 
    We wonder at the proximity of so many shrines, perhaps the ancestors of these people were more zealous than their cousins in distant lands and that culture has survived to this age. What is clear is that while they have had contact with the wider world, most of the population seems to descend from the ancient lines of the Golden City. We know their Gods by seemingly different names, a curious observation we will have to ponder. Our stores of rations are good for about a ten-day but we quickly tire of our slow pace. Athos in particular complains at our lack of forethought in preparing horses for the journey. It seems returning to Port Ensal would be wise but I hope to convince the others to take a wider arch through the mountains to our east and spend a few more days covering new ground. If all goes well, we may enjoy the tavern's strong mead in a few days.
Hexes Explored: 18
Features Found:
  • 0623: The Iron Temple of Bast
  • 0427: The Isle of the Asura and the headwaters of a river
  • 0328: The Ruined Shrine of Shaundakul
  • 0627: The Sanctuary of Passion
Notable Encounters:
  • Three Cockatrices, nearly ended in disaster as they closed the distance quickly. A few timely arrows and insane luck with Dan's backstab prevented anyone from falling to their talons.
Current Party:
  • Adran, Lawful Human Ranger 1
  • Dan of Caladan, Neutral Halfling Thief 1
  • Douse, Lawful Human Monk 3
  • Athos, Lawful Elven Magic-User 1
  • Aran, Lawful Human Cleric of Tiamat 1
  • Mer-Sit the IV, Chaotic Human Fighter 1

Monday, January 1, 2024

Hexplore24: A year of hexploration

    Over the last few months I've played around occasionally with solo adventuring as a fun exercise in between prepping for sessions in my current pathfinder game. I rolled up some characters using Swords and Wizardry, slapped down the hex map I had been using for my pathfinder game, and picked some spots as sites of small dungeon-crawling adventures that I could largely use the procedures in B/X, OD&D, or other OSR games to run solo. Having the procedures for dungeon crawling and exploration made the process relatively simple and meant I didn't have to use other more complex tools like Mythic or some other GM emulator (which I am not against but personally I find too obtuse for my uses). I bounced around the world and had quite a bit of fun journaling from the character's perspective, using tools like ChatGPT for random prompts, or getting to actually use the enormous pile of printed materials I've collected over the last few years. That's why I was excited to learn about hexplore24, a yearly challenge to run a hexploration game every day of 2024. 

    After mulling over some ideas, I decided to play through a similar scenario to one of the earliest campaigns I ran: the search for an ancient city deep in the wilderness. The original game I ran in college had my players moving through a pointcrawl style system deeper and deeper into an unexplored wilderness in pursuit of a legend of a metropolis from another age (an El Dorado of sorts). While that game had many memorable moments (including when they finally reached the place and found it not quite so abandoned...), due to some shenanigans the players essentially wished (as in used the spell) the events of the game never took place. So this completely unexplored place is still out there somewhere, a perfect motivation for a solo hexploration game! 

    I'll be making use of a variety of tools for the challenge including the fantastic Wilderness Hexplore Revised by Jed McClure, some of the procedures from Swords and Wizardry, OSE, and this neat weather table from the Wandering Gamist. Monsters and Mazes (who I first saw the idea from) has put together some other great resources as well as a summary of the hexplore24 idea. My goal is to really stick with this every day, so I need a straightforward and simple ruleset that I can reasonably expect to be able to keep up with which is where I fell apart with dungeon23. Tying each day to a "in world" day appeals to me and gives a sense of checking in with my party which is neat. I'll be using hex kit to make the actual map itself although I may keep a pen and paper map and update the hex kit map occasionally if it turns out that's my only digital resource. I'll also be keeping a journal of sorts which I can update each day with the events the party encounters. The hope is as we run into various terrain features we can organically create the same sorts of narrative story as in my previous game. The end goal is still going to be to locate the titular lost city which I will eventually place into the roll tables for the features or maybe triangulate it after finding various clues scattered around the hex map. I haven't decided yet but that is a later problem to resolve. Plenty of hexes to explore in the meantime! I'll update progress as we go along, maybe every week or so unless something really interesting happens.

     I rolled up a random town on the western coast, pulled my group of characters from my solo game and set off. Despite the ominous storm that blew through on the first day, the journey was quiet. I can already see some interesting terrain popping out of the random tables. No features yet (its only a 1/8 chance after all) and luckily no monsters. We'll see how long that holds.



Saturday, September 30, 2023

An Epilogue

I started writing this not long after we finished up the final session but quickly lost interest. It's been a few months and now that I've had time to decompress it feels right to finish it up and tie it all off with the benefit of time massaging away the irrelevant moments. To get to it: 

So we had our final session. 

Dice were thrown, drinks were had, crazy burgers were made. It was an epic session; everyone was sweating and passed out by the end of it. Although, that may have been because our AirBNB's AC broke in the 90F heat. 

The multiverse was saved. In a way. And this is how it happened: 

They arrived at the Fortress of Conclusion, tentative and suspicious. The end was here and their quarry was no where to be seen. The great gates of the fortress stood open, a massive maw inviting disaster. An ill omen in the form of the tortured form of the wizard Desatysso was left to greet them. He craved death, they gave it to him. 

 And so they entered into the maw, I show the players this as they get their first look: 

 Jason Fry's Dorkery — WARNING: If you've never been through the AD&D... 

Almost in unison my players all looked at me and said, "You bastard." The absolute highest praise for a dungeon master.

They'd already run through the tomb earlier as part of the adventure Return to the Tomb of Horrors so its been fresh in their memory. Burned even. They've also seen it a few other times, scattered one shots, etc. I'll make a post at some point about the apocryphal Tomb, it has some history in my games and I feel like I have a unique perspective on the thing from having run it so many times.

To make a much longer story somewhat shorter, the tomb was largely avoidable since they knew where all the traps were but they did notice a number of strange discrepancies. First was these strange black spikes hammered into the ceiling, usually above some particular object. The first was the shattered sentient bow of one of the characters that Acererak had yoinked during a previous combat. Other spikes pointed at the corpse of Acererak's servant Leon (a particularly loyal mortal servant slain by the party many sessions previously), the captured form of Acererak's Balor father, the ghost of his mother, his research thesis, and a particularly tasty cookie. Those sorts of things, you catch the drift. Reworked elements from the final dungeon in the Return to the Tomb of Horrors. 

Then they came into the columned hall and confronted the Arch-Lich himself. To their surprise, his phylactery was already dust on the floor; destroyed from their perspective by some outside force (the actions and sacrifice of my other group). He said he was tired and they are all going to die. They laughed at him. He brought forth his army. They quit laughing. 

What followed was nearly 12 hours of combat, blood shed on all sides. It was tense and to my credit, I kept it together for the most part.

If we were going to challenge a group of over a dozen 20th level characters, by god it would require something special. And so I dispensed with groups of pretty much every flavor of monster tribe; from a flight of each chromatic dragon to each of the demons and devils, to a host of mindflayers and other aberrations straight from the far realms. They did well enough, but understandably their resources started to dwindle. Spells were lost, consumables tossed, and rests were not possible. It didn't look good. Until they noticed the black spikes and yanked one out of the wall and the true situation revealed itself; the dungeon could be rearranged. 

The previous week I had found and downloaded a scale version of the tomb ( and had cut it out. It was spread throughout three rooms in the lower level of the AirBNB. By pulling the spikes, they could pick up any room and move it such that its entrances matched up with another, i.e. swap rooms around. What was once a stressful but not terribly exciting series of combats immediately became a tactical opportunity, everyone bent on manipulating the geometry of the tomb to their advantage. Every trap, pit, and illusion could be flipped on their opponents. They could set up ambushes, split up groups of monsters, and make distractions. Play their opponents against each other (it wasn't an accident Acererak separated the Demons and Devils; little reenactment of the blood war anyone?). I don't think I've seen my group ever as engaged and a few hours later the dust settled and they found themselves again before Acererak, triumph in their eyes. They didn't see the Time Stop, Delayed Blast Fireball, Cloudkill coming...

A few of them went down straight away, obliterated by that combo. Their few NPC allies didn't stand a chance. They were furious. And Acererak just dropped another with a Power Word Kill before raising their dead allies to serve him. Again, it looked like the end was here. Except their wizard had saved his Wish. We all turned to him...

"I wish for us all to be restored to ..."



"He uses counterspell, at ninth level."


You could feel a pin drop as everyone looked around at each other. Panic and disgust. Of course he would.


"I can use my reaction during my turn too right?"

"I believe so yes."

"So I can counterspell the counterspell?"

"Normally easily, but for Acererak you'll still need to roll."

"What do I need?"

"You'll need a total of 23, it's nearly impossible with your bonus of +5."

"But it is possible, so I'll roll." 


Tension again, watching the dice slowly stop. It showed a 15. Not enough. Fear. It might as well have been over. They searched for any other advantage, trying anything they could. It didn't stick and they looked crestfallen.


"Hey, didn't I cast guidance on him a turn or two ago?" 

"You... did didn't you. And you haven't cast another concentration spell or take damage so its still up."

"We are at 20, he just needs a 3 or a 4."

They rolled a 4. Cheers, dancing, and jubilation resounded as their comrades returned. The rest of the fight wasn't easy, Acererak gave it everything but the tide turned. A few other tricks, a second stage, and a brutal smack down later it was over: Acererak was seemingly dead. It was already 1 in the morning, everyone was slumped over in their chairs exhausted but satisfied. And then I made a critical mistake; Acererak made a wish as well for them to see things from his perspective. They debated whether to counterspell it or not but ultimately decided they were curious enough to see what that meant. So we started up a game of 12 candles. 

Unfortunately it didn't go as planned. You can imagine the intended affect, they experience a game where they know they are going to lose from the beginning, they feel that gut punch reminder of life, and we leave it off with a bittersweet note (seriously check out ten candles, its a great game: It would be a great tool to have them think about the perspective of the somewhat fourth wall breaking character that Acererak had become. But I was far too tired and it was my first time running the game. It went very poorly and we wrapped it up frustrated and disappointed.

My players were troopers and stuck it out another hour to do an epilogue scene with their characters which was amazing, tears were shed and their stories concluded. But I felt robbed as we could have used the time from ten-candles to have a more full complete ending for everyone to finish whatever business they had but that itself is life; You can't always get what you want. A teaching moment perhaps, know your limits and respect them. 

Everyone had a good time, maybe even a great one. The game ended and although I felt it could have gone better, after a few months to decompress and process not only the inevitable feeling of loss associated with completing something like this, but also my disappointment in how it ended, I feel at peace with the outcome. I've since started up a Pathfinder 2e game which has been very well received but I find my thoughts occasionally drifting back towards that low lying hill with three entrances. In some ways voices still echo within, torches casting light on mysterious murals and profane traps of devious design. Its magnetic attraction has me pondering hidden meanings, as if plumbing the depths myself for their secrets. Even in my games now my players still reference it; "But what color is it...?", "How many entrances!?", "Don't touch that fucking thing, it could be like that green maw...". And in that way the Arch-Lich triumphed beyond his wildest dreams: that place has left an indelible mark upon them. 

It also helps that their first wish in their new multiverse was to bring him back with a new chance at life. I play him as their mercenary companies chronicler, writing their stories into legend through the company newspaper and very occasionally delving into lost tombs from a forgotten age, torch in hand, ten-foot pole in the other. Certainly not Gary's intention, but much like his tomb he has become something else.


The legend of the Tomb of Horrors finally lives. 


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Hexplore 24: Week Five

  "A great feat of metallurgy was necessary to temper what moon-metal could be scavenged; and for that the underfolk served amicably. ...