Monday, February 5, 2024

Hexplore 24: Week Five

"A great feat of metallurgy was necessary to temper what moon-metal could be scavenged; and for that the underfolk served amicably. Despite having only recently journeyed in any great number above ground, they took to the task of manufacturing implements of the material as if the gods have given them the gift and not the lords of the city. In defiance of their best efforts however, frustratingly little of the pearly metal was ever found. Thus in total the few ingots worth the city had was stretched to maximum utility and a program for carefully recycling it once it had completed its purpose was instituted. Misuse of the god's metal constituted the death penalty. Still, where once a regiment could be outfitted with blades silvered with the alloy, the ravages of time had reduced its quality such that only a needle's worth of pure metal remained by the epoch's end. Rumors abound that ancient stockpiles of arms and armor laid ready for the cataclysm never materialized. But, even a needle's worth may have been enough to thwart the city's imminent devastation had they not been failed in so many other ways..." 

    With heavy packs and heavier hearts we leave behind the hamlet of Carmsby; the simple folks' cries of thanks echoing along the hills. The days of fighting goblins and their beasts have exhausted much of our arms and armor and we must make haste back to Port Ensal. We made the decision to at least see if a pass across the lake existed as Athos had once suggested and to our amazement a narrow land crossing was possible. From our vantage, the mountainous terrain beautifully bisects two large crystal clear lakes; truly an impressive visage. We shoulder our burdens and trudge onwards; we can at least report such a passage to the prince which will undoubtedly intrigue their interest.

    I write quickly: the snores of the beast shake the trees as we shelter in place daring not to make even a fire. We should have noticed the gorges for what they were: worm tracks of the dreaded purple worm. Nearly falling upon the creature as we made our way back to Castle Huntingdon and Lord Tithot, we would almost certainly have perished if not for Elsun's quick hand and thinking. We have much to warn the greater powers of; the presence of a purple worm is only secondary to the threat of yet another dragon making its lair so close to town. Our visit to Lord Tithot now seems all the more prudent having negotiated his aid in dealing with the local hostile elements. We now wait until the relative safety of morning light; I am certain not one of us will sleep well by tonight's moon.

New Hexes Explored: 9

Features Found:
  • 0415: The Colossal Harness: The moldering remains of an enormous harness for some sort of amphibious creature. Now covered only by dust and grime. Did a creature of such a size really exist?

Notable Encounters:
  • The Scouring of the Goblin Warren: Following up on the rescuing of Carmsby, Adran and company delved into the Goblin's warren to rout out the remaining creatures so that they would never again threaten the town. A chance encounter with lizardfolk prisoners provided a decisive advantage and before long the creatures and their king were slain. The town rejoices as we emerge proclaiming vengeance for Athos.
  • The Giant Spider's Request: A chance encounter with a group of intelligent giant spiders ousted from their lair in 0616 revealed the activity of a green dragon now residing there. They have asked us for aid which we declined presently but were encouraged to seek out others of strong arm and will to aid them. They promised a portion of their treasure if the dragon could be killed or driven off.
  • The Slumbering Worm: On their return to Castle Huntingdon, Mer-Me encounters the lair of a purple worm who was thankfully sleeping. Such a beast had torn open the landscape making great gorges in the earth; it will certainly present an obstacle for any foolish adventurers to traverse the path north of Port Ensal.

Current Party:
  • Adran, Lawful Human Ranger 2
  • Dan of Caladan, Neutral Halfling Thief 3
  • Douse, Lawful Human Monk 4
  • Aran, Lawful Human Cleric of Tiamat 3
  • Mer-Sit the IV, Chaotic Human Fighter 2
Adjunct Party:
  • Mer-Me of Ironbound Castle, Lawful Elven Thief 4
  • Zer Esten, Neutral Human Magic-User 3
  • Quasin the Uncanny, Neutral Human Cleric of Oghma 4
  • Elsun the Heavy, Neutral Dwarven Fighter 3
  • Tenspor of the Arid Wastes, Neutral Elven Cleric of Waukeen 3
  • Berdpal Eth, Lawful Dwarven Fighter 3

Hexplore 24: Week Five

  "A great feat of metallurgy was necessary to temper what moon-metal could be scavenged; and for that the underfolk served amicably. ...